Sport of the Month London Netball

What is netball?

Netball is a seven-a-side sport with great emphasis on the skills of passing and shooting. The aim of the game is to score more goals than the opposition. Each game normally lasts an hour, divided into four 15-min quarters.

Netball is played both in and outdoors, but the season traditionally runs starts in Autumn and runs through the Winter.

The court is divided into three equal areas: a defending third, a centre third and an attacking third. Players are assigned specific positions where they are allowed to stand. For example only two attacking players, the ‘goal shooter’ and ‘goal attack’ may shoot at goal. Only two defenders, the ‘goal keeper’ and ‘goal defence’ are permitted in the goal circle.

Netball players are not allowed to travel with the ball, only to take a single step. The ball  is moved around the court through passes between players. There are numerous passing techniques including the bounce, chest  and shoulder passes. The latter is a high pass performed using one hand designed to elude any defenders or interceptions.

Netball is a non-contact sport and penalties are given for obstruction and other infringements.

Why play netball?

Netball is a very popular team sport and widely played across London. It requires skillful passing and a high level of fitness, as the game is played at a fast pace; players need to release the ball within three seconds.

How do I start netball?

The best way to start playing netball in London, is join a netball team near you.

Use the Find a Sport Club/ Venue directory on Totally Sporty to find your nearest London netball club. Here you will find useful information on when training and matches take place.

Further Information?

Visit to find more information.


Netball jargon

Airborne throw - a throw made while a player is in midair.

Goal circle - the semicircular area drawn around the goalpost that indicates the scoring zone.

Pivoting - grounding one foot while stepping with the free foot any number of times. Pivoting can last no longer than three seconds before the ball has to be released.