Sport of the Month London City Skate

What is the London Friday Night Skate?

The London Friday Night Skate is a weekly skate that happens every Friday at 8 pm and is around 10 to 15 miles on the streets on London. Every skate has a different route and skaters are updated on the location and weather at 5 pm the day of the skate.
LFNS has a portable sound system and traffic is made aware of the skate by volunteer marshals.

What to expect at London Friday Night Skate?


Skates are broken down into two parts with a half hour break between the two. The second part is usually faster than the first and will usually start at the beginning of the route.
The London Friday Night Skate tends to be for more advanced skaters and if you do not know if you are ready for it, you can try the Sunday Stroll or Wednesday LondonSkate first.

What should I bring?


Protective equipment - helmet, elbow pads, knee pads, wrist pads.
Water - especially during the summer months when people tend to get dehydrated more often.
Lights – because the skate is at night, it is obviously hard to be seen if skaters are not wearing some kind of reflective clothing or light.
Shoes, a travelcard (oyster card) or taxi fare – these are precautions if a skater were to not make it to the end of the skate. LFNS also suggests exchanging mobile phone numbers with other skaters.
For further information on the London Friday Night Skate, go to the LFNS website at
City Skate

City Skate