Qi Gong Clubs / Venues

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Fighting Fit (Wimbledon)
Radial Distance: 4.530 miles
Address:  APC Hall, 192 Merton Road, Wimbledon, London, SW19 1EG
Website:  http://www.fighting-fit.com
Activities:  Kickboxing, Kung Fu, Aikido, Yoga, Qi Gong
Comments:  Fighting Fit offers classes on Tuesdays from 19:00 women's Kickboxing & Self defence. They also offer classes from 20:00 for beginner and intermediate Kung fu, Kickboxing and Self Defence. On Thursdays classes are offered from 19:00 beginner and intermediate Kung Fu, Kickboxing and Self Defence. Also on Thursday there is... (more)

Qi Gong Clubs / Venues

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